Monday, January 28, 2008

Feeling Rushed

Ok, so doing these tax returns is harder than I thought. Yes I worked at an accountants office in Ephraim for a tax season, but the returns got to my desk, I worked on them for as long as I needed to, then a few days later the people came and picked them up. Well at HR Block, I get to do the return with the people watching everything I am doing. So not only do you have to do it in front of them, you feel so rushed so that you are not wasting their time. I did my first return today, and the girl had only about 45 min to do it in. So my first return, not sure what to do with one item, the girl is frustrated that she didn't get back as much as the year before, and I didn't know how to get her something that HR Block sells. I was lucky though because she had to leave before all the forms printed, there are a LOT of form that print here, so I was able to spend the next 15 min figuring out what goes where without someone breathing down my neck. I survived, and I think this will be fun once I figure it all out.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Tax season fun for all! Good luck. I know how it is having people stand over you (or watch you) while you work. Highly irritating. You'll get the hang of it.

Any chance you could change how my name is spelled to Robinson?