I had never been to the Timpanogos Caves, so Nathan, Avi, I, Jaxson (her cousin) and Jana (Nathan's sister) went up to see them. This was within the first 1/3 of the hike, so I am not too flushed by this time. It wasn't that bad of a hike, but I am so out of shape that I was just huffing and puffing by the time I got up there. After the hike we went back to camp, and Nathan cooked dinner for everyone.During Pleasant Grove's Strawberry Days, there was a fun parade. Since it starts just 2 blocks from our house we had floats and horsed going by to go line up. We left to walk to the parade and we found that outside our house we had a horse trailer and they were unloading the horses. I asked if I could put the girls up on them and get some pictures. The people were so nice to let them up there. The girls wanted to camp out, so we set up the tent in the back yard for two nights. We combined the tents with the tarp so that it would be easier for them to feel comfortable.We signed Avi up for T-ball this year. It took a little while but she finally got into the game a little better. She can hit the ball pretty good if she concentrates enough. By the end she understood what was going on. It helped her so much to get out of her little shell a little more.While Avi was playing her game Dailynn was bored and wanted to do something herself. She climbed the hill behind us and rolled down it the whole hour. Every once in a while she would have a boy treat her like a china doll worried she would break or something and just keep a very close eye on her so that she didn't get hurt. It was cute.On the 4th of July we got invited to a BBQ where they decided to get a blowup water slide. It was so cool!! Dailynn loved riding it and the older girls loved taking her on it. The squirt guns were fun on it too. Both of the guns are controlled by my girls in this picture. That was their favorite part of it.I signed both girls up for swim lessons this year. It took a little more effort to get Dailynn in than Avi which is so not normal. Once Dailynn got used to the idea she loved it. Every once in a while the girls teachers would play games with each other so they saw each other once in a while in the pool. On the last day the teachers took the kids on the water slides. Avi got to go once while Dailynn got to go like 4 times. They had so much fun with the lessons and I am so excited to put them in again next summer.
I am a mom who doesn't know what I am doing and make a lot of mistakes. I love to spend time with friends and give advice when asked. I am a math nerd that loves to do anything with it. Come follow me through my crazy family.
1 comment:
Wow you've been busy this summer. It looks like a lot of fun. :)
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