Friday, December 2, 2011


So with the girls in school, I do all my shopping with just Jeslyn. It is so nice to have only one child to keep track of. So this week I went shopping, and JJ wanted a cart of her own. So they have these little carts that kids can push around, and I figured why not, it will keep her occupied, so then I won't have her trying to jump out every 2 seconds. So for the first little while it was fun to chase down mommy with the cart. Then we passed the bread section and she stopped for some peanut butter. As we went along she got less interested in following me and more interested in shoving her cart off, filling it with random ingredients, and running away from where I was trying to pull 2 carts too. By the time I got to the register, we had 5 things we didn't want and I was so done with the two cart thing.
That night Nathan wanted to go get something with a gift card, but Avi and Dai didn't want to go. Jeslyn was super excited to go with him though, so the two of them took off. So when they got there the item they were there for was supposedly in the back on the truck that was being unloaded, so they stuck around waiting for it to come off. A half hour later, Nathan was sick of JJ pulling everything off shelves, looking at everything with her hands, and generally not listening to him. Sad thing is that the item wasn't on the truck and they came home empty handed.

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