Friday, December 16, 2011

Time and Teachers

So I have noticed that at this time of year there is so much more demand on my time. First off, for some reason the math teachers in this area are not getting through to every student, and the parents are finally finding out. I have been called so much this week with new students for me to tutor. I have put in over 8 hours of tutoring this week. The problem is that I only have about 14 hours that can be used for tutoring. It's been great though because I not only is that helping to pay for Christmas, but it has been so fun to see the students get excited about knowing what is going on in their classes. I picked up a Calculus student last night and I was so nervous. Luckily it is still in the easy stuff, so I was able to fake my way through it, but by the time he left, he was excited about knowing it, I was excited I remembered it, and I was just so happy to have helped another person.

Also, I am just so greatful that my kids have such wonderful teachers at school. They are both so kind and good at controlling their classrooms. I am so glad that Dailynn is still excited to go (I was really worried about that), and that Avi has friends and is doing great on her work.

Ok, so I am surprised that time is being given to me. I look back at each day and wonder how I got things done. I have had so many extra things show up in my day to day this last week, and yet my house isn't destroyed (it's not clean), my kids have had some extra mommy time, I have been able to work on our super secret Christmas present after kids go to school, I have done extra tutoring, and I have been able to help a friend with projects to improve her life. I don't know how I am doing this because last year there would have been no way.

I also have to put a plug in for my wonderful husband who has supported me in everything going on, watched the kids for me, and taken up slack where I have faltered. He has helped me get things done and motivated me to do the things I didn't want to. There are others who have helped with the watching the kids and keeping me going, so thank you everyone that is so kind and helpful!

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