Friday, July 11, 2008

It's been so long

Sorry if it looks like I have dropped off the face of the earth, it's just summer. I know, what should summer have to do with it when my kids haven't been to school yet? I think summer is summer no matter how old you are, and we have been having a ton of fun. I don't have the pictures or videos downloaded, but soon I hope. (I will keep telling myself that) Avi had been in T-Ball, Story Time, and Swim Lessons. Soon we will start Soccer, but not for another few weeks. Then on August 18th she will start Kindergarten. I can't wait, it will be so fun for her. I have been worried about her because she has a hard time with new activities sometimes, but with everything new I have put her in this summer she is doing great at adjusting to the new situations with no one there that she knows. Then when she goes to kindergarten with a few of the 25 kids that are going this year from our ward she won't be as terrified. For some reason everyone that had kids in 2002 had them after Sept, and everyone that had them in 2003 from our ward had them before Sept, so there are a lot of them going this year. I need to go switch the laundry now, so I think I better quit goofing off.

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