Friday, June 27, 2008

Fancy Food

So last night I was trying to figure out dinner as is the usual afternoon activity. So I had some boneless pork ribs in the fridge that need to be used, so I threw them in the oven with some citrus and basil rub for a few hours. Then the problem is what do you make with them? I thought that rice would be nice, but not just plain rice would do. I decided to jazz it up with some garlic and basil. That turned out great and felt so fancy. I had gotten some artisan bread from Macey's for free so I cut a few slices of that with some honey butter, and corn on the cob. If felt like such a fancy restraunty dinner but really I was just using up stuff in my fridge that was about to go bad. I was just excited that I could make something like that so quick and easy, it has always been a dream of mine to get trained in culinary arts. I think that I just watch too much food network too.

So because of that dinner I made last night I thought that I would try to do cooking tips on my blog since that is something I love to do. Hopefully they will turn out good, and if you try one of my tips, please let me know how they turn out. I will be suggesting Pampered Chef products with all of the tips since I sell them and have them in my home. I will also state if I have tried this tip before or if I just think it might work. If you try one of my I think it might work, please let me know how it went.

So for the first one, the rice is a good way to start. If you don't want bland rice, try adding some flavors during the cooking. For a simple solution add chicken/vegetable stock instead of water. You could add your favorite herbs like I did last night. I also thought it might be fun to try adding some carrots, squash (one of the harder varieties), or sweet potatoes to it and see what I got out of it. I use the Rice Cooker Plus to cook my rice because it take the same amount of time as a rice cooker, but it is so much easier to clean and leaves the counter clear for other food prep.

Good luck.


le35 said...

Cooking tips is a good idea, Em. Too bad I don't actually LIKE to cook. But I think that you will do a great job with cooking tips, and I'm excited to see what you come up with. Good idea!

Our Corner said...

I love your ideas they sound so yummy :) I look forward to your future tips

Stitchnmom said...

I found your blog through Ellie's blog. It's me Marilyn (Harris)!!! I've been having a lot of fun finding all sorts of people I haven't heard from in a long time. So, here's a hello from me!

Katie said...

I can't wait to hear all of your good tips. You always have been a great cook since we were just little girls. (Boy I wish some of that had rubbed off on me!:) I'm excited to learn from you. We do our rice that way all the time, and we love it! (I had to get creative since we swiched to whole grain everything, I have to dress things up a little to get Troy to eat it:)Can't wait for the next tip!