Tuesday, September 22, 2009

still here

Has it really been over a month since I have gotten on? Wow how time flies. So we got Avi back in school and can I tell you how much better 1st grade is to kindergarten. I don't have to stress about trying to be back down there 3 hours later then figure out lunch and entertain for the rest of the day. This really came in handy when I got a cold about 2 hours before Avi got home from her first day of school. I know how weird huh. So I spent about the first 2 weeks walking Avi most of the way to school (I can watch from the top of the hill to make sure she survives the last block), coming home and having my morning nap for 1-2 hours while Dailynn watched TV. I was so wiped out from the 5 blocks of walking (one of them up a steep hill, and another 1 1/2 still uphill) and the cold.
Once I finally got my body most of the way back I was finally able to stop taking naps which made my days much more productive. I was able to do dishes, clean up, and even attack some projects I have been storing up for colder days. I also started attacking potty training again. If anyone has any idea I may not have tried on this stubborn little kid, please let me know because I have exhausted everything anyone has told me to do. This attempt is going a little better, but once I start talking that way Dailynn just decides that she wants to revert back again and I am cleaning up messes every 2 hours, so I am trying to keep my mouth shut. I even worked hard all summer to get a preschool going for her with my neighbor, and now she can't go.
So we had Dailynn's b-day on Saturday. She didn't get a big tadah because of what we are trying, but since we couldn't make up our mind as to how little we should do, we ended up taking her to wal-mart and letting her pick out her present. Whoops dropped the ball on that one. Now we get to deal with the fishing game that makes noises and has peices that break to easily. Oh well.
The pregnancy is going a little different from usual. I have the standard to the book pregnancies usually, but that isn't the case with this one. I went to my 28 week appointment and measured 31. I then went to my 32 week appointment and measure 36. I have measured exactly on at every other appointment, so this is strange to me. I have another one this week and they are going to do an ultrasound to see if there is anything that we need to worry about. Hopefully it is just that there is a lot of fluid in there and that I am not going to have a 13 lb baby, but with the way she kicks my ribs at the same time as run into my hips I don't think that is the case. Ugh!! Hopefully I will get some good answers on friday and be able to update on it then.
So Avi has this program at school where there is a reading contest. They get their name in a drawing each time they read a certain amount of min, and at the end of the year they give away 4 bikes. Avi wants to win the bike, so she tries everyday (I am not prompting more than the 20 min she is required) to read 100 min. She actually got it one day and has gotten about 65-85 most days. I know, how in the world does she just sit and read for that long at her age and with so little time in the day to do it, but she just does. She is already reading about half a grade level higher than the rest of her class and doesn't shy away from the BoM or Encyclopedia Brown if she is sick of just reading Disney or Dr. Suess. She also gets her homework on Tuesdays for the whole week, and I have a hard time trying to convince her that she should try to save some of it for another night other than just Tuesday night. I guess I shouldn't complain, at least she isn't procrastinating yet.
Dailynn is getting a little restless, so I need to take off. I hope everyone is still well.

1 comment:

Our ABC Family said...

1st grade!!! I can't believe it! I feel so old! Your little family is growing up so fast, and we haven't seen you in so long! I enjoy reading your blog though and hearing how you guys are! :)