Sunday, May 10, 2009

Morning Hug

I went to go wake Dailynn up this last week (I hate doing this because she is grumpy if she doesn't wake up on her own). Usually I go lay by her and just tickle her or something until she is awake enough to get out of bed. I laid down by her and she rolled over wrapped her arms around my neck and said "Good morning Mom." It was so cute. Too bad that the rest of the wake up wasn't as cute.

1 comment:

Our ABC Family said...

I totally understand that feeling! I'm always worried to wake Aaden up as well cause he's not the most pleasant person to wake up. But every now and again they surprise you! :) How are you guys doing? I came across some old pictures of us in Logan the other day. Some were from Easter probably 4 years ago??? Good times! :)