Thursday, February 5, 2009


Avi: "I need to work out more so that I can be stronger than Jaxson" (she doesn't work out at all, but hey it is the new year and that is what is on all our minds)
Mommy: "Why do you want to be stronger than Jaxson?"
Avi: "Because he pulls me all around their house and I can't go anywhere."
Mommy: "Well you have 2 things against you on that. First he is older than you, and he is a boy so he will be stronger than you."
Avi: "But some girls are stronger than boys."
Mommy: "Yes some girls are stronger than boys."
Avi: "Mommy is stronger than boys."
Dai: "And Daddy is too."
Avi: "But Daddy isn't a girl Dailynn."
Dai: "And he chases cats too."
Daddy: "That doesn't make me a girl."

It kept going from there, but we were laughing so hard that I can't remember where it went. It is fun to follow your own train of thought, but when you try to follow a kids thought train it is hillarious. What cute kids.

1 comment:

Kim said...

That is a way cute story,,,kids say the cutest things ever. I love it how thier little minds think.