Friday, March 21, 2008

Coloring Eggs

So Easter has just snuck up on me this year. I realized on Wed that we had just a few days to get ready, so we did our shopping that day and I had to go get eggs last night late because it was the only time for me to go. I got to the first store and they were sold out. Today we had some friends come over to color them with us, and my kids LOVED it so much. Dailynn was the fun one to keep up with. I would hand her a color, help her put an egg in, turn to check on Avi then when I looked back she had 2-4 eggs already done. She liked dropping them in, then pulling them right out, and reaching for another one. Luckily most of the colors stuck with that short of time in the dye.

Once we got them all colored since Dailynn did more than a dozen to Avi's 4-6 eggs, they had the fun of putting stickers on them. That was another fun adventure because Dailynn wanted to be in charge of the stickers and mommy couldn't help. We finally get them all done and Dailynn has one half pealed before I can get them put away. So I got her dozen put away and trying to get the other away from Avi and Dailynn goes and grabs one out of our friends carton and has it pealed before I knew what was going on. Her pealing method was interesting this time. The only part she got was the yolk, so I would have to go find the rest of the egg, rinse it off, then get her to eat that part too. She is quite the character.

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