Monday, March 16, 2009

The future

Ok, so there are a few changes going on in our home, so this is a warning to all. First off if this is the first you are hearing about this, sorry, there are just so many people I can call in my off time (what is that by the way). I am pregnant with our 3rd child expencting the parasite at the end of October. (I say parasite because that is a good definition, and some people get offended if you call the fetis an it until you know what it is.)

I announced that because I will not be blogging much for the next while. We are making changes at home and one of them is the internet, so I will only have it at family members houses and work. So if you are looking daily for a post from me you are seriously wasting your time.

Now Nathan is having fun with work situations. All of them good, but they are changing things so much for us. First off his schedule changed this month, so we are now 8-5ers. This makes it so we have weekends available now. YIPEE!! This means I want to hear from all of you how you would love to hang out and come to my house to play (we will go to your house if you want, but the invite to come to our house is ALWAYS open).
Also he has started working with a company called Primerica. This company specializes in debt elimination and future financial planning. If you find yourself in a situation where you want to improve your financial status, or just need a little advice, he would love to come talk to you. He has already been able to help a few friends and we want the chance to help you if we can. Just give us a buzz, or you may just hear from us because we want to try to help you.

I will be working at H&R Block through the summer. I am excited to learn a lot this summer. I will be answering letters from the IRS, amending returns, filing later returns and all the other yucky stuff we do here during the summer. It is going to be great.

I hope all of you are great, and sorry about the lack of updating that has happened, life is so crazy that I haven't even had time to go grocery shopping for a while. It makes it kinda hard to make dinner when you are out of EVERYTHING!!! It will be nice when the season is over and I have time to be myself again.


Kat said...

Congrats Em! How exciting for you. I hope everything is going well and what a drag to be pregnant all through the summer! But at least you wont be at the most miserable pregnant point during the hottest days.

Eli and Amber Wisden said...

Congrats on the baby news!

Our Corner said...

Congrats on your 3rd. :) I also wanted to thank you again and please tell Nathan thanks for coming out to talk with us. I know we live kinda far from you guys. We would still love to get together sometime and maybe have a game night. What you think?

le35 said...

Yay for you with the baby!!!! *Doing a happy dance for you* I will miss your posts, but good luck. Please post pictures of the baby once it comes at least once for those of us who live on the opposite end of the country. :) I love you bunches, and congrats to Nathan and his new job, too!

Heidi said...

Congratulations on the baby! Let me know when you know the gender. It sounds like you really have had a lot of changes lately, and more to come:)